Dealing With Disappointment
I am a master at dealing with disappointment. When it happens, I can smile big and immediately feel peace and and joy and forget it even happened.
Is this not how you react when confronted with disappointment? No? Me neither!
How To Master The Art of Quitting (In 2 Steps)
I am not trying to encourage you to go on a quitting frenzie and drop everything in your life. Staying many times is the best choice we can make.
Badass quitters select out only what is no longer working. We quit what’s not good for us because we are committed to our happiness.
5 Years From Now I Will Be...
"If you want to know what you'll be doing in five years, take a look at what you are doing now."
Letting Go Of Perfectionism & Attachment On Outcomes
Growing up, I'd often skip doing things I wasn't sure could get an "A" in. That meant a lot of missing out on the awesomeness of new possibilities, frequent fear of failure, and not a lot of fun.