5 Years From Now I Will Be...

With polkadots, giant sunglasses, JJ Bean COFFEE!

With polkadots, giant sunglasses, JJ Bean COFFEE!

"If you want to know what you'll be doing in five years, take a look at what you are doing now."

I borrowed this from my husband, who borrowed it from someone else, who borrowed it from someone else. If you find it useful, free to do the same :)

I used to think living an amazing life meant climbing mountains, giant projects or something grandiose. That may work for some, but for us, it's about the little things that we do consistently, that make us who we are and determine who we become.

Just for today, we are privileged to have the opportunity to do the things that fill us up: powerful inspirational mornings, real talk with friends, motorcycle rides, sitting in a coffee shop with GOOD coffee and all the time in the world to draw, write and create.

What are the things that fill you up?


Attention (Recovering) Perfectionists & Overachievers


Letting Go Of Perfectionism & Attachment On Outcomes