Suiting Up & Showing Up!
Suiting up and showing up when the going is easy is no problem. It’s when things get tough that it matters the most to show up.
I believe suiting up and showing up during these moments is not only good for my self-esteem and discipline, but it also sends the universe a big message.
How To Survive The In-Betweens
I am great when things are going really well -naturally- and I am an expert at handling crises. But dealing with uncertainty and lots of unknowns… well, sometimes that can be a giant pain in the butt.
Dictionary For (recovering) Perfectionists
ACCEPTANCE: Letting go of the picture we have in our head of what "success" looks like and focus on enjoying the journey, living and loving intentionally, one day at a time.
You Are Not Having a Bad Day, You Just Need To Eat A Sandwich
Have you ever heard the acronym HALT? Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired? It sounds like a total cliche and probably is, but that doesn’t make it less true. In reality, all of us humans are prone to be a little more sensitive, a little more irritable, a little less loving, a lot more grumpy when we are experiencing one of the 4 HALT feelings. The problem is, we don’t always acknowledge or identify it as that.
Dealing With Disappointment
I am a master at dealing with disappointment. When it happens, I can smile big and immediately feel peace and and joy and forget it even happened.
Is this not how you react when confronted with disappointment? No? Me neither!
How To Master The Art of Quitting (In 2 Steps)
I am not trying to encourage you to go on a quitting frenzie and drop everything in your life. Staying many times is the best choice we can make.
Badass quitters select out only what is no longer working. We quit what’s not good for us because we are committed to our happiness.